Developments and Developments
Consequently, I end up not posting at all.
And no, this is not on account of being embarrassed by my writing output lately. Granted, that output sucks. But I’m not afraid of the truth.
So what’s been going on?
Well, I ran another triathlon, the San Diego International Triathlon. It hurt. It was fun. You know, what you would expect. Somehow, despite the fact that the run portion of the course was completely, 100%, flat, I was slower than at the OC Triathlon, with its Godawful hills. How is that possible? Because I screwed up my nutrition plan during the bike portion, that’s how. I basically drank and ate nothing on the bike, and that smacked me silly during the run. It was literally the slowest 10k I’ve ever run. But that’s ok. The last couple miles, I ran with a dude with one leg who was having difficulty. His wife met him about a third of a mile from the end and I bid him adieu until the finish line, but after keeping him psyched up for the last bit of the race, I had a better perspective on things. However badly I did that day, it could be a lot worse. And frankly if I’d lost my leg in a construction accident like that I did I’m not sure how psyched I would be to compete in triathlons. So hats off to him.
On the writing front, progress is proceeding on Glimmer Vale 2. I contracted with Jim Beveridge, through Lucky Bat Books, to do the cover for it. He’s the guy who did the cover for Glimmer Vale, so you know it’ll be awesome. Now I just have to finish the dang thing.
But not this week. Last week, I got editorial comments back from a third beta reader for The Pericles Conspiracy. Armed now with all that, I’ve spent the last several days fixing typos and clearing up plot holes in ye old massive tome. I also did more cover work. I tweaked the fonts on the ebook cover design a bit, and made a wrap-around for the print version. Behold!
So things are shaping up for Pericles. 🙂 I intend to have the book released within the next week or two, in both trade paperback and ebook formats. Stay tuned.
In other good news, it looks likely that I’ll be in the Mysterious Galaxy local authors meet and greet, probably next month. Or at least sometime this fall. I went by the store the other day to get some more books for my kids and flashed my fancy new author business card. And they were like, “Dude, you’ve been a great customer and the manager knows you, we’d love to have you come out. Why aren’t we selling your books already?” So maybe I waited a bit too long to “out” myself as a local writer. But I didn’t want to be the jackass who swaggers in and demands that they carry his books. I wanted to be a good customer before I asked anything of them. Not just for self-serving reasons, but because that seemed the courteous thing to do. Looks like it’s going to pay off.
Right. I’m signing off now. I’m participating in another online workshop that Dean Wesley Smith is giving, and the first weeks’ videos are up. I’m going to watch me a few before I hit the sack.
Until next time, be well everyone. Cheers.