First…the good news. 🙂
Yesterday evening, I approved the print proof of Glimmer Vale. Y’all know how nice the cover art is, but check out how beautiful the printed version is!
Pretty nice, huh?
Just for kicks, I decided to compare it to a book from my favorite fantasy series, The Wheel Of Time. Observe:
Yes, that’s my toe. Alas, the front cover of Glimmer Vale would not stay shut for the picture, so, since I was pressed for time when I took the picture, I used my big toe to hold it in place.
I’m silly, I know.
In all seriousness, though, if you ask me, I’d say that GV’s cover art holds up pretty well against Crossroads of Twilight’s. Considering they’re the same genre, and Jordan is an icon in Fantasy, I think that’s pretty awesome. 🙂
Anyway, Glimmer Vale is now available in Trade Paperback. If any of y’all want to buy a copy, go here, where I get the best royalty rate.
That’s the good news.
And now for the bad.
I was leafing through one of my proof copies of Masters of the Sun today, and pondering how I can improve the presentation (because I’ve learned A LOT since I made that book). And then I noticed it: an ENTIRE SCENE is missing from the book.
How in THE HELL did that happen????
I am, to say the least, flummoxed and embarrassed. And strangely thankful that so few people have purchased copies of the print version. Because….damn. That. Is. Bad.
I’ve already fixed that particular issue in the paperback file. But now I’m moving on to fix other things, namely paragraph breaks. I did NOT do a good job in splitting paragraphs in the initial version. Since I’m going through to fix one error, I might as well fix them all.
So that’s what I’m up for over the next couple days. *sigh*
Oh well. Could be worse.
I could still be in New York. 😉 Yeah, San Diego rocks.