The Great Challenge – Week 4
I meant to write this update a few days ago. But I didn’t – busy life events, traveling across the country for work…the usual.
That said, last week was another success in my walk down The Great Challenge with Dean Wesley Smith. That makes four weeks down and four new stories written.
- 3,800 word romance – Red Orchid
- 14,200 word fantasy/sword and sorcery – Debts And Obligations
- 4,800 word contemporary fantasy/humor – Naughty And Nice
- 4,100 word mystery – Popper’s
It’s a good start. I haven’t started this week’s story yet. Like this blog post, I meant to get it going earlier in the week. But no worries; plenty of time to git ‘r done. Failure is not an option on this one. 🙂
The other thing I did last week was continue adding to my short audiobook empire. I re-recorded/edited my previous podcast recordings of two more stories and got them up on Findaway and ACX – The Blob On The Rock and Lords Of The Remnant.

If you’ve checked at my short story bibliography in the past, you’ll note that I also took advantage of the occasion to update the covers for both at the same time. I used the same art I’ve always used for them, but reformatted them and improved the typography. They look a lot better now.
As with Red Orchid the other day, they haven’t made it through Audible’s processing system yet. But they are available through Apple, Google Play, and all the various other audiobook retailers out there.
Tell you what, this audiobook thing is fun. And audio short stories are starting to bring in a decent amount of money each month. I’m talking beer money so far, but I don’t have all that many audio shorts up yet. I’ve got at least another dozen or so more to put up, and thanks to The Great Challenge I’ll soon have another 52. If the initial trends continue as I scale up with the remaining stories, this could get quite interesting. And lucrative.
Until next week, then.
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Copyright (C) 2019 by Michael Kingswood. All rights reserved. No copies may be made or distributed without the express written permission of the author.
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