I am, of course, psyched. And you should be too, because Pericles is, if I do say so myself, a great read. 😉 You guys really need to check it out.
Josephine Ishikawa changed the course of history, but no one knows it.
She cannot talk about what happened during her last shift as Captain of the starliner Pericles, nor does she care to. She passed the ball to the authorities, like procedure required, and now has her sights set on getting Pericles through a major maintenance overhaul and back out to the stars.
Until she learns of a betrayal so large it defies belief, leaving Jo to decide between the life she loves and her duty to the beings she brought back from outer space. Her decision will affect not just her future, but possibly the futures of everyone on Earth and the other colonized worlds.
Available for purchase now on Amazon, Smashwords, and Kobo (though for some strange reason the cover art does not appear on the Amazon sales page. I’ve contacted them to get the problem fixed, but so far no joy). Nook will follow probably tomorrow, depending on how fast they process the files, and the other sites will follow as Smashwords and Draft 2 Digital get them out through their distribution channels.
But I know what you’re thinking. Kingswood, how do I know if I’ll like it? Well you can download a sample, you know. But just in case you want something more, I’ll sweeten the pot. Passing In The Night, the prelude to The Pericles Conspiracy is now free on Smashwords and Kobo. Download it and you’ll get a nice little novelette to chew on, as well as the first scene from Pericles. If that doesn’t wet your whistle…not sure what will. 🙂
A year-long shift in the middle of the interstellar void can get pretty boring. For the Fourth shift crew of the starliner Pericles, enroute to Earth from one of the colony worlds, the passage could best be called routine.
Until the forward sensors detect an unknown and unexpected object ahead. What they find there, in the endless night of space, will forever change the universe, for them and for the all mankind.
Go ahead and download Passing In The Night, and enjoy. And if you want to do me a favor, swing over to Amazon’s Passing In The Night sales page and let them know that the story is free elsewhere, so they’ll price match. I want it free on Amazon as well, so everyone can get a free taste.
Right. Thanks, everyone. Cheers!