Masters of the Proof Copy
I will say it was pretty cool opening up the box from Createspace and pulling the book out. My wife in particular was bouncing up and down over it. She insisted on taking a picture of me with it and posting it on Facebook. Suddenly all sorts of people are congratulating me. One said, “NOW it’s official”. As though somehow I hadn’t really written it until now. And for many, I suppose I hadn’t – lots of people still only read in print, after all. Few are as geeky as I am. 🙂
I found a few things to correct in the proof copy. I went ahead and uploaded the revised files. They’re under review now. Once that’s done I’ll go ahead and order another proof, which I expect will be most satisfactory. Then I’ll make the book live, probably in a week or so.
Then I’ll officially be a “real” author, I guess. 😛
Congrats on the first paper copy!
You’re way ahead of me: I haven’t gone through the POD wringer yet but I’m looking forward (!) to the process some time this year. Can’t leave 80% of the readers out there bookless…
Any chance of getting a copy of your tracker file, btw? TIA.
It wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. If you start by downloading Createspace’s cover and interior templates, it’s actually fairly easy. 🙂