Plugging a Friend
Well Ms. Medrick has not stopped with Shackled. She’s written a number of other stories, all awesome. Her big project is a series called Icarus Helix. It’s a serialized set of novellas about teenagers who discover they have various super powers and how they deal with their new abilities. It’s well written and engaging. She has five episodes out so far: Cheat, Liar, Coward, Thief, and Thug. The sixth, Frigid, is due to for release any day now, as I understand it. Well, J. E. just released a compilation of the first five stories under the name Emergence. Priced at $5.99, it’s a 40% discount from buying them separately, so it’s a great deal. I’d highly encourage all y’all in internet-land to check it out.
Great cover, right? The awesome Jeroen ten Berge, the same guy who did my cover for Masters of the Sun, does all of J. E.’s covers.
Seriously, though, check out this series. It rocks.