#NaNoWriMo – Down To The Wire
31,537 words. 530 so far today. That’s good, on track for my most productive writing month ever.
But it’s not quite good enough.
With six days to go, that total count means I need about 3100 words a day to reach 50,000. And that’s not so doable. At least, it won’t be come next week when I’m back at work. I managed to get in just under 1,700 words yesterday evening, Thanksgiving and all. I’ve got today off, and then the weekend as well, obviously.
So my goal is to get 5,000 words down for the next three days. That’ll get me all caught up with the NaNo curve by the end of the weekend and leave me in a good position to finish the month out properly. Possible? Certainly. The in-laws are here today and tomorrow, so that’ll help with childcare, and my wife has a big sale for her business tomorrow. And they’ll all want to go Black Friday shopping today. So there’s a good chance I’ll have plenty of time to write today and tomorrow. Sunday…all that’s going on is Football. We’ll see how it works out.
So yeah that’s the plan now. So enough gabbing: back to Glimmer Vale!