And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor…
She has a small business where she hand-crafts cools items to help out moms and little kids: blankets, burp cloths, floor cushions, coffee cozies, that sort of thing. Obviously, I think her stuff is great. 🙂
She asked me to plug a giveaway she’s having. Here’s the prize:
As you can see, it’s a very cute dress. We put our little girl in one very similar that my wife made. She loved it, looked cute in it, and it fit great. Details on her giveaway rules are on my wife’s business blog, here.
And her business website is here. Check it out!
On a less important note, I posted Passing in the Night up on the various ebooks stores this morning.
It’s live on Smashwords now. Should be live on Amazon by the end of the weekend, and the various Smashwords distribution partners in a couple weeks. The price is $1.99 for a killer 12,200 word hard science fiction novelette. Go ahead and check that it, too!