Cover – Done!
So that’s it: the official cover. 🙂
Now I just have to finish squaring away the MS. I lined up an editor last week. After looking at the options, and considering what others have said on Kindleboards and the like, I went with Hazard Editing. Their fees are reasonable, and they’ve worked with some writers who I know are good. Plus, they seem good to work with from the initial 5 page editing sample. But then, I may just be saying that because they said I seem to “know my chops” based on those pages. 😛 Guess we’ll see.
Anyway, that’s all that’s new on the Masters front.
In other news, I’ve got about 4,000 words down on my story for Writers of the Future. I think this one’s going to be shorter than the last one. Which is probably a good thing. It’s been pretty fun to write, but it’s funny how a story will evolve. When I got started on it, I had no idea what to even write about. Then, at about fifteen hundred words in, I knew exactly where I wanted to go with it. Now, it seems to be going the exact opposite of what I thought back at that point. And this way will work out better, I think. Ah, discovery writing. Gotta love it.
Right. I’d best get back to doing work stuff. Later.
Looks like an interesting cover. Are you self-publishing? I wish you the best of luck!
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Cover looks awesome! Looking at Hazard Editing too because I’m looking for an editor as well. Good luck to you.