Evening with Edmund Morris
For those who don’t know, Edmund Morris writes presidential biographies, the most famous being Edmund Morris’s Theodore Roosevelt Trilogy Bundle: The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore Rex, and Colonel Roosevelt. He won the Pulitzer Price for the first in the series, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
, which came out over 30 years ago and details TR’s early life and career up until he became President. Theodore Rex
details his exploits as President, and Colonel Roosevelt
, which just came out last fall, details the remaining years of TR’s life.
The books are meticulously researched and cited (the references and bibiolography sections of the three books totals about 400 pages). They’re also very good reads.
Last night he came to town, and I happily went to see him. I was impressed with how good a speaker he is. He’s a researcher, and it shows, but he could easily be a professor or teacher. He was interesting and very informative. Best of all, he spoke with a stately british-sounding accent that added a certain authority to his words.
Afterwords, he had a book signing, and he was kind enough to sign all three of his books for me.
It was a pretty cool evening. I’m glad I went.
Michael, to be candid, I was trying to find a website/link where I could leave a
comment for EDMUND MORRIS with regards to his 3 books on THEODORE
ROOSEVELT …..needless to say….it is a sad state of affairs when a “reader”
of a book can’t even express his/her own admiration directly to the author for
works that can only be described as exemplary! As a graduate with a degree
in history I have come to know the aforementioned, T. ROOSEVELT, and
in doing so only wish America today had politicians/men with the “right stuff”!
BULLY to EDMUND MORRIS! If at all possible could you forward this to him.
Very truly yours,
Frank Chapman
Hi Frank,
Like you, I stand in admiring awe of Mr. Morris’ work. He’s definitely the Gold Standard in Presidential biographers, at least when it comes to Theodore Roosevelt. Alas, I don’t know Mr. Morris personally. I only met him that one time here in Albany, and then only briefly at the booksigning after his talk. Wish I could help you more, but I’ve no idea how to contact him personally either. If nothing else, you could leave a review of his works on Amazon or B&N and express your admiration there.
Sorry. I’m sure that wasn’t much help, but thanks very much for stopping by!